Good Ideas
Street Signs Scarborough Olympics Good Ideas

For some time now I have felt something was missing from this community web site.  Someplace where ideas could be formed, or recorded and others could take advantage of.

I am sure there are loads of good ideas stored in the over 3500 bookmarks that I make public (see Community - Web Bookmarks).  But then there is a few special things that deserve a special place.  A place where they get the exposure that may make them "Great Ideas".

Some of these ideas may seem to be very local, to other communities, or maybe even other countries.  But consider what would happen if they were adopted in your community or your country ?  Our object is not to promote politics or "causes", but people and the improvement of lifestyle for everyone.

Not sure where this will take us, but we start some place.  If you have any ideas you want included contact 


The Global Movement for Children is a collection of people and organizations around the world dedicated to promoting the rights of the child. The movement is about participation, action and accountability involving everyone. We will change the world with children. 

Love the young fellow they use on their TV advertisement.  "We (children) are not the problem, we are the solution.  Stop treating us like kids, let us grow up to be YOU !".

(Website has options for English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chines and Russian).

The Food Bank  (Also see The Second Harvest)

Food Bank is a wonderful collaboration of local non-profit human and social service providers, donors from the food industry, corporate, government, civic and private sectors, and individual volunteers whose support and partnership is focused on "providing relief from hunger" to friends and neighbours.

The Freedom Corps

The generous spirit of people, especially after the events of 11 Sept, 2001, have fostered a great and long-standing tradition of service. Across the country groups large and small are mobilizing concerned citizens to improve lives and strengthen the civic fabric that holds our communities together.

The Freedom Corps, through its participating agencies and programs, will work with local officials and community groups to offer expanded service opportunities at home and abroad.

"Hope & Faith will guide us through the darkest times."

Words taken from the cover of the order of service for the Healing and Reconciliation September 11 Memorial Service in Sydney Australia.  This was a delicately planned and presented service which gave an opportunity for expressions of grief, reconciliation and the beginning of healing.  There are many, many web sites that cover all different aspects of the events, the people and the emotion.  Here are a few that we think encapsulate some of the key elements of both the history and the need to look forward.

A Memorial

Recently there were a couple of specials relating to the events of 11 September, 2001 (or as it is known in the US - 9/11 - representing the Month / Day format used).  The most moving one was on CNN called "In Memorial".  It's focus was on the tragedy and victims, rather than anything to do with laying blame or finding reasons.

The other was a Oprah Winfrey show featuring one of the people, a women, who had been on the sidewalk and survived the trauma of being doused with the burning aviation fuel as the plane hit the tower.

Neither of these can begin to express the full grief.  However we felt it important to Community and to the people to include some reference on our site.  The link above takes you to an area for CNN In-Depth Specials.  If you know of any other comprehensive web sites, let us know.

Portraits of Grief

Only a few minutes away from exactly 1 year ago, we wish to consider not only the place and the events of Sept 11, 2001, but the people.  Thanks to the New York Times for their publication of portraits of the victims.  Not obituaries, but reflections on the lives lost.  We will never forget them!

[Portraits of Grief section published at 10:35pm, 11 Sept 2002 Australian Eastern Standard time which is 08:35, 11 Sept, 2002, Eastern US time]

After September 11, Images from Ground Zero: Joel Meyerowttz

There was an exhibit of photographs of "Ground Zero" that were on display in Sydney.  We missed it and you may have too.  But thanks to those who desire for this to be seen by more than can visit one or more physical locations, the power of the internet brings us the entire exhibit.

Olympic Aid and World Sports Forum

A contribution to our Good Ideas page by a very important person -

From: Colleen Higgins
Sent: Tuesday, 3 September 2002 18:19
Subject: FW: Olympic Aid - Calling on your support for the World Sports Forum Award


I do not normally pass on such requests, but I truly believe this is a very worthy organisation. I registered my interest during the Olympics here in Sydney and receive regular updates on there work.

I believe the only way for child to grow into a strong responsible adult is to be allowed to be a child. Places listed in the e-mail below seem to be built on generations of hate. Hopefully, encouraging children to play and compete in sport will provide the balance that they need.

Hope you place a vote.


-----Original Message-----

Sent: Monday, 2 September 2002 6:41
Subject: Olympic Aid - Calling on your support for the World Sports Forum Award

Hi everyone,

Each year, the World Sports Forum honours a personality or organization who, through their unique commitment and humanitarian spirit, has made an exceptional and lasting contribution to the pursuit of sports excellence.

Olympic Aid has been nominated for this prestigious award, and so we are asking if you would be so kind as to take a moment to participate in the voting.

(Simple instructions are at the end of this e-mail.)

Just to give you an update:

bulletOlympic Aid is an athlete-driven humanitarian non-profit organization using sport and play to enhance child development and to build community capacity. The organization's vision is a world in which every child enjoys the right to play.
bulletAs of September 2002, Olympic Aid SportWorks Programs have 38 projects established in 20 countries throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America, reaching disadvantaged children who are refugees, HIV orphans and child soldiers. Nearly 480,000 children are affected on a daily basis through these sport and play programs that are used as vehicles to further the physical and psychosocial development of children, reducing hate, violence and sexual abuse.
bulletChildren in countries including Angola, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Tanzania, Nepal, Afghanistan refugees in Pakistan and many others benefit everyday by the power of sport and play. Hopes and dreams are being built and children are starting to be healthier and happier.
bulletAs a parent in the Oruchinga refugee camp in Uganda stated,
bullet"Children are now involved in sport and play activities - they are given the chance to excel. There now exists good interaction between others - we [parents] have noticed an increase in moral and manners within households; children treat their parents with greater respect; it has helped their mental and physical development and helped eradicate disease - children are healthier and there's good physical fitness."

How to vote:

It is a very simple process:

  1. Go to the website  
  2. At the top of the home-page, click on the sentence that is written in red:
    "New...on the website: meet the candidates for the World Sports Forum Award 2002."
  3. Below the second paragraph, go to the sentence:
    "Public voting is possible - click here."
  4. Type in your name and then the rest is straight forward.

The voting closes on Monday, September 9th. It takes less than 2 minutes to vote, so it would be great if you could take a moment now and then we'll be one vote closer to the award!

Thanks very much for your support!

Susan Creelman
Communications Officer
Olympic Aid
Tel: 416-498-1922 ext. 204
Fax: 416-498-1942
Cell: 416-451-0033

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Page created - 21 February, 2002.  Page last updated - 14 August, 2006 15:08:51 +1000

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