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Genealogy Links

Here we provide a listing of General Genealogy Links that we feel would be helpful for researchers. These are sites and pages that will assist your research, but not necessarily pages specifically dealing with Czarnik

Links to sites with information directly relating to Czarnik (i.e. "cousins" homepages) are listed on Czarnik SRC - Czarnik Homepage Links

Note: All major links on this page are external Link to page on WWW and will open a new browser window.


Browse the page or select from Info, Search, Share and Shop.


Ancestry.Com - Receive a FREE genealogy newsletter with expert tips, news and helpful info and / or learn how to find your ancestors from the world's leading experts.
(See also Ancestry.Com in Search, Share and Shop.) - Features a Learning Centre and a First Steps section.
(See also in Search, Share and Shop.)

SurnameWeb.Org - A few user guides and tutorials.  Currently especially latest version of PAF 4 (Ver. 4.04).
(See also SurnameWeb.Org in Search, Share and Shop.)

Surname Web Researcher submission (Add your name to the list so everyone knows who you are researching)

Genealogy Websites & their Rankings - Would have to be one of the most complete lists of uniquely named genealogy web sites.


Ancestry.Com - over one billion records in more than 3,000 databases, view U.S. Federal Images Online, browse and participate in over 100,000 genealogy Message Boards, explore your Surname Community and find others who are researching your family lines in the Research Registry.
(See also Ancestry.Com in Info, Share and Shop.) - Use Family Finder to search through hundreds of thousands of genealogy pages across the Internet and gives you links to likely matches in: web pages containing indexes, records, and family histories that others have typed in; home pages containing trees, Ahnentafel, and ged2html files; and family association and name association pages, etc.  Also included in the search are Message Boards, Classified Ads, User Home Pages, reports on User Home pages, etc.
(See also in Info, Share and Shop.)

SurnameWeb.Org - For all surname related info - links to web pages, message boards (forums), interest lists and surname origins and meanings - 3 billion records and 100,000 genealogy links.
(See also SurnameWeb.Org in Info, Share and Shop.)

Find A Grave -  See the graves of thousands of famous people from around the world. Find the graves of friends, family members or ancestors, create virtual memorials, add 'virtual flowers' to a loved one's grave, etc.  Search more than 2.5 million grave records at Find A Grave by entering their name and clicking search.

First Name Last Name

RootsWeb General Search - ( is the oldest and largest free online community for genealogists. The site contains extensive interactive guides and numerous research tools for tracing family histories. On RootsWeb the site's WorldConnect Project contains more than 181 million ancestor names. The RootsWeb Surname List consists of a registry of nearly one million surnames submitted by more than 225,000 online genealogists. RootsWeb also boasts approximately 24,000 mailing lists and 175,000 message boards.

Genealogy Resources on the Internet - Mailing Lists - While not as "interactive" as web site, there is a wealth of genealogy resources on the Internet that can be accessed through Mailing Lists. This web site is an inventory of mailing lists based on the author's personal investigation and the consolidation of information received from others too numerous to mention (we do thank you all).  The site only lists sources and does not provide the detailed "how-to".  The author asks anyone who has problems with the addresses listed on this site to please let him know so that further verification can be undertaken.

ProGenealogists - We have found this group of professional genealogical researchers helpful, particularly Natalie Cottrill.  We are sure you will find them helpful with a variety of services, not least of which is travelling to international destinations, including Poland for direct research!

ProGenealogists, Inc.

Links to State (USA) Archives - We were thrilled to see how many states in the USA have created special sections for genealogists and feature online databases. These are sites you'll want to bookmark and check back on periodically for new additions!  (As seen in the "Reference Corner" of the Ancestry Weekly Digest for 21 Sept, 2002)


Ancestry.Com - Build a multi-user Online Family Tree and collaborate in real-time with your relatives and / or contribute to the Ancestry World Tree and share your family tree with others.
(See also Ancestry.Com in Info, Search and Shop.)


bulletAncestry Family Tree Software - It's FREE!!
The best software for growing your family tree.
bulletAutomatically search more than 1.5 billion names at Ancestry to find the best matches for trees and records for each person in your family tree
bulletPublish a family tree online to share publicly or privately
bulletDownload existing family tree files from the Web
bulletCollaborate with other genealogists through Ancestry's Online Family Tree and Ancestry World Tree
bulletEnjoy 7-day access to all 1.5 billion names at ($19.95 value for free!)
bulletPlus, you get all of the functionality you expect in family tree software, including the following
bulletAdd and edit individuals within a family tree
bulletMerge multiple files into one family tree
bulletSave notes and sources for each individual in a tree
bulletPrint genealogy reports in multiple formats
bulletAdd photos and rich media associated with each individual
bulletGenerate HTML pages of the family tree to publish online
bulletFree download allows you to start your very own family tree. Learn how to add information, find the best search results, add photos, publish your family tree online, and so much more.
bullet FREE Family Tree Software -- Free Download
bulletFree downloadable form allows you to record the ancestors from whom you directly descend.
bullet Ancestral Chart - FREE Chart Form
bulletFree downloadable form gives an account of every record source you have searched.
bullet Research Calendar - FREE Calendar Form
bulletFree downloadable form summarizes information, which may be time-consuming or difficult to reread quickly.
bullet Research Extract - FREE Extract Form
bulletFree downloadable form allows you to record census information.
bullet Census Forms - FREE
bulletFree downloadable form helps you keep track of those with whom you have corresponded.
bullet Correspondence Records - FREE Records Form
bulletFree downloadable form enables you to compile complete, correct and connect families.
bullet Family Group Sheet - FREE Sheet Form
bulletFree downloadable form provides quick reference to information and sources you have found for a particular family.
bullet Source Summary - FREE Form - Create to store your links, search and forum lists, subscriptions and virtual tombstones.
(See also in Info, Search, and Shop.) Family Website - Allows sharing of Photo albums, family calendar (of birthdays, anniversaries and other special events), family history features (family tree, etc), message boards, chat and e-mail and much more, FREE, without any knowledge of HTML but with security.

SurnameWeb.Org - Provide input and update all surname related info - links to web pages, message boards (forums), interest lists and surname origins and meanings.
(See also SurnameWeb.Org in Info, Search, and Shop.)


Ancestry.Com - Shop for the best genealogy books, CD-ROMs, software, supplies and more.
(See also Ancestry.Com in Info, Search and Share.) - Purchase, software, family information in the form of international and passenger subscriptions, research services, books and other genealogical publications.
(See also in Info, Search and Share.

SurnameWeb.Org - USA state by state census CDs, Hearldry and Genealogy books, and software.
(See also SurnameWeb.Org in Info, Search and Share.)

Site established 01/01/01 (01 January 2001).  Page created 4 Jan, 2001.  Last updated 29 Jan 2003 10:32 +1000 Hit Counter

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Last modified: October 03, 2002